Saturday, August 31, 2019

Another Quick Entry

Interesting past several weeks. Astronomy computer died, but was mostly backed up. All the images saved, but it's been a real pain not having a dedicated astronomy computer. I bought a HP multi-core replacement, but, to my amazement, it wouldn't run the astronomy programs that ran the cameras, especially the ASI120MC planetary camera. Fortunately, I could return it, which I did. Now, the wife's older HP, which easily runs all the programs the new HP wouldn't, is doing double duty. Unfortunately, that also leaves less time, and more complications, for astronomy. Oh, well. That's life.
However, I was able to get some images of Jupiter and Saturn a few nights ago. Seeing wasn't all that good, but the planets are at least recognizable.
Jupiter, with 2 moons and moon shadow on surface.

Saturn, of course.