Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Finally got one night under the stars at the Starlight Observatory. That's the good news. There were, as usual for this time of year, some high cloudiness and haze, as well as a few big, puffy, sky blocking clouds. Oh, well; you take what you are given. At least I knew I wasn't going for any of the "faint fuzzies"; it would need to be something relatively bright. The only thing that fit that bill was Saturn. The main battle for this night was the unsteady air, also know as poor "seeing". The image below is a "stack" of 200 separate images to make one image. It was then processed, meaning mostly that I used blurring and sharpening techniques to produce the best image I could get, given the poor, but normal for summer, conditions.

Saturn: stack of 200 images from ZWO ASI 120MC, Scope 8" LX200GPS @F10, Stacked in Registax 6.0,wavelets applied, cropped and further blurring and sharpening in Paint Shop Pro V 7.

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