Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Cloudy With A Chance Of....

Being able to see the sky. The past month has seen many changes at Starlight, including possible surgery in the near future. Hopefully not, however. Never the less, it's been incredibly cloudy, especially at night. Fortunately, there is a solar scope available. One thing I have wanted to do, but not been able to, is check on the supernova. Maybe soon.

So, what do I have.


Jupiter, of course. This image from May 31st using a 3x Barlow lens. Compared to standard F10, more detail is visible, so I'm generally pleased with the image. Seeing is still poor, but considering that, I think it's about as good an image as I could get.

The sun, of course. Image was taken on May 26th and shows a single prominance.

Also the sun, but taken June 13th. Notice the proliferation of prominances. Looks like solar activity has picked up a little, considering we are near solar minimum.

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