Friday, August 25, 2017

Continuing from previous post

July 30

M5 Globular cluster in Serpens, just west of Ophiuchus

M8 AKA the Lagoon Nebula in Sagittarius, just north of the galactic center. Brighter stars overexposed, making them look like they trailed.

M9 Globular cluster in Ophiuchus, just north of Saturn for now

NGC6946 taken October 14, 2015 showing nova area.

NGC6946 taken July 30 showing nova. B/W image. Compare to above image.

August 5. Clouds starting to show up again. Sagittarius is also low on my horizon, so is very susceptible to haze and cloudiness since I'm imaging through the thickest part of the atmosphere and light pollution.
M23 Open cluster in Sagittarius

M24 Open cluster in Sagittarius

M25 Open cluster in Sagittarius

M29 Open cluster in Cygnus (Northern Cross)


Grimaldi Taken at nearly, but not quite, full moon. It's the big, dark-ish crater.

Kepler Taken at nearly, but not quite, full moon

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