Saturday, September 30, 2017

The End of a List

Last night two things happened that were quite enjoyable for me: 1) the grandkids got their first look through the telescope, and 2) I completed imaging the Astronomical League's Lunar List. The last two entries are below.

The grandkids got to see a few craters on the moon; specifically Copernicus, which was just off the terminator and was actually the best I've seen it. I should have taken an image of it, but didn't think of it at the time. They also got to see the really nice “star” Alberio. Naked eye we see it as one star. However, telescopically, it's two stars; one is blue and the other appears gold to me. It's a “goto” object to show people and I happen to really like it myself.

Well, here's the last two entries for me on the AL Lunar list.

Rupes Recta
Rupes recta, also known as the Straight Wall, is a linear rille (a fissure or narrow channel on the surface of the moon) that's about 100Km (about 62 miles) long.

Sinus Medii

Sinus Medii means Central Bay and, according to Wikipedia, is so called because it sits at the intersection of the moon's equator and prime meridian. Obviously, it's in the circle.

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