Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Sun With Poor Seeing

This morning, about 11 o'clock, I imaged the sun again. Some days there's a lot to see; others, not so much. Today, there was a little more. There were two sunspot groups, and a few “small” prominences. The first image is the composite image of the surface and prominence layers, each a separate layer, of course. The second is the left side sunspot group. It appears the camera doesn't change the resolution; instead, it simply reads the Region of Interest from the camera. The only bonus is a faster frame rate. I think this “feature” is not well documented (no change in resolution). In any event, the focus is “softer” than I would like to see it, but I think that will have to wait for better seeing conditions.

Almost the full sun face.Prominences and sunspots visible.

Sunspots on Left side of sun.

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