Friday, November 2, 2018


According to my files, August 30th was the last entry into this blog. Since I'm typing this off-line, I hope the on-line version agrees with this.
At any rate, the primary project is finding and photographing the Herschel 400 list. I appear to have around 160 or so photographed at this point. I'm able, usually, to get around 10 to 15 on any given night, since I'm doing short exposures. Having found them, I'm looking for those to come back to to photograph again, in color. I have found another interesting one. This time, its a galaxy, NGC 253, in the constellation of Sculptor. Unfortunately for me, that constellation is low in the southern sky, and I have to dodge trees to see it. My chances are limited. However, I hope to get a good night before the end of the year to get a good, color image. The image below, shows the galaxy, along with what I think are clouds. The “cloudiness” varied from image to image, so I think that is what it is. When I showed this image to the grandkids, I told them the cloudiness was ghosts, since it was taken just before Halloween. Of course, I told them it was really clouds, but it was fun to see their reaction.

NGC 253, the Sculptor Galaxy, thru clouds.

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