Sunday, December 23, 2018

Lunar Images

With Christmas so near, I haven't been doing much imaging. It's also been quite cloudy and rainy. Georgia , ot at least Atlanta, is on track for 2018 to be the 5th wettest year “on record.. Getting images of the moon is actually a fairly quick thing to do.

November 16th image. Ignore "Ken's Canyon".
The first image is around the north end of the moon. The identification was put there for someone else, but it works well here. This image was taken the night of November 16th.

December 17th image.

This is a mosaic of 7 images taken the night of December 17th. As you can see, the terminator is in nearly the same place on the moon (as one would expect). The mosaic just allows you to see along the entire terminator, which is usually the most interesting area of the moon. This image is also interesting to me because I was able to show on the November image that the mount was tracking too fast. For the December image, I slowed the mount down 1% and got much better tracking. Unfortunately, the unsteady air more than made up for the previous poor tracking.

Since it is so close to Christmas, I want to wish any readers of this blog a very Merry Christmas.

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