Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The Sun Starts a New Solar Cycle

This morning, while there were few obscuring clouds but still have the persistent high cloudiness, I decided to try imaging the sun again. This time there were only a few, small prominences, but there was signs of activity on the disk. I think this is part of the (new) solar cycle 25 coming to life. There were at least 2 filaments as well as other activity. The darker regions are places where the surface is cooler the, the white areas are generally where the surface is hotter. Even in hydrogen alpha light, sunspots are generally cooler and show up dark. The white regions are, if I recall correctly, called plague. The (falsely colored) yellow picture is the larger filament, while the full disk images are the same, except the black/white image is a stack of 3750 (out of 5000) frames taken is black and white, and the red image is 2250 frames (out of 3000) taken in color. The red color is the color of hydrogen alpha and, at least on my computer, is pretty close to what you would see if you were looking through an eyepiece at the sun.

"Close up"of the larger filament.

Color version, same as below.

Black and white version. Notice filaments below white areas and to the upper left.

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