Tuesday, September 8, 2020


Three Day Prom

(as vs. a 3 dog night? Sorry.)

We have had unusually clear(ish) skies for the past 3 days. A cold front moved through and lowered temperatures and humidity to more bearable levels, but alas, that's about to change. So today, I got out before the clouds started to return and took one image of the sun. And, it was a blank sun. However, just because something is not immediately visible doesn't mean it's not there (as hopefully we will see later this week). At any rate, what I decided to show this entry was a prominence over the past 3 days. All images were taken at approximately the same time of day, but the second day entry was taken with a longer exposure because it was looking like the prominence was becoming sufficiently dim that the longer exposure was needed. However, today's (the 3rd entry) was taken with no expectation of seeing the prominence. However, with an extreme “stretch” the remnants are visible. Well, you've waited long enough, so here the images are from day 1 (September 6, 2020) until today (September 8, 2020). 


Day 1



Day 2



Day 3. Image part of a full sun image.






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