Thursday, December 14, 2017

Hubble, ISS, Geminids.

(Obviously, the post that I thought was going to be the last one for the year wasn't.)

This entry may be one of my shortest. Last night, December 13, 2017 was the Geminid meteor shower. I usually don't go out for meteor showers, but I decided to have a look last night, and I'm glad I did. The reason I usually don't go out for meteor showers is I usually don't see any. But last night was different. I was out for about an hour and saw at least 11 bright meteors. I saw a 12th , but I think that was space junk burning up rather than a Geminid. It was cold, but worth the effort this time. UPDATE: Tonight, the 14th, the grandkids and I watched the Hubble Space Telescope and the International Space Station go over. Following that, we saw a few stray Geminids fall as well. A first for the grandkids, seeing the satellites and the meteors. That was a fun 35 minutes spent under the stars.

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