Saturday, January 13, 2018

Herschel in the Ram and Whale

On January 6, 2018, about a week ago, I got the first clear night in a looooong while. I used the time to continue imaging objects on the Herschel 400 list. As I, hopefully, mentioned before, this is a survey of the objects to determine if I want to come back to any of them for further imaging. I don't think I will be coming back to many of these, but maybe one or two (of the 13 this time). One, NGC772, is in Aries, the Ram. The rest are in Cetus. This list is all of the Herschel objects in their respective constellations. And that's what I'm trying to do; image all the objects in a constellation to see if I want to return for further imaging. So, without further ado, here are the images, almost all galaxies, and almost all just L band for 1 minute, Bin x3 at -10degrees C, 3 images stacked to make the final image, 8” LX200GPS operating at F6.3, camera QSI683...if you wanted to know. :)

NGC772. This is the one in Aries.



NGC246. This is one I might come back to.

NGC584 (in the center), plus at least 2 other galaxies.






NGC1052 in center.

NGC1055, another possibility to re-imaging.


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