Friday, April 24, 2020

Cometary Fun

At this point in time, it's been several days since this image was taken. It's just taken me that long to get around to processing it and writing it up.

Comet C/2019 Y4 April 11

Above is the comet C/2019 Y4 ATLAS taken the evening of April 11, 2020. This is just before the comet started to break up significantly. I believe that at this point, there were still about 3 “chunks” of it in close proximity. However, the brightness had lessened significantly. Compare this image to one taken on March 25, 2020 (published on March 26th , I think). The exposure is the same length of time: 1 minute. There was not really enough light to make a good color image, so just the black and white that you see here.

I'm including a star map showing how far the comet had moved in the 17 day interval (thanks, Stellarium). As you can see, it appears to be moving quite fast, but that expected.

Movement of Comet as it appears in my sky

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