Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Sun...Through the Clouds

The weatherman (person, I know, I know) promised “clear” weather for today. Of course, by the time I could take care of other responsibilities, partly cloudy was more appropriate. But, that's the story of the last several months. Moving on. I decided to look at the sun, since we are supposed to be coming out of solar minimum. There were no sunspots to be seen, but there was a prominence to be found. The unfortunate part of imaging celestial objects, even the sun, is that clouds can soften the focus at best, blur at worst. I took several images at different focal lengths. I also changed the size of the image that is downloaded from the camera. About all that does is increase the frame rate. However, that can sometimes help clear up the image by decreasing the movement between frames. At any rate, I hope you enjoy the images. Note that I painted the disk of the sun black, but not the sky portion, to make it easier to see the detail in the prominences.



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