Friday, July 10, 2020

The Sun Again

It's hard to believe that the skies have been as cloudy as they have been for so long. But... I guess we do the best with what we are given. In this case, there was an almost clear day for viewing the sun. I shot about 5 hours of a prominence. You never know if it is moving until you process the images later, and in this case, it seems to have been active. Although I recorded images every 2 minutes, the activity was sufficiently slow that processing every tenth image, ie, every 20 minutes real time, is sufficient to show the activity. It's taken me this long to post this just because I actually processed every image, then checked for activity and found that every tenth image was sufficient to show what I wanted to show. It takes a while to process over 130 images, then put them in a format to make into a video. Oh well, finished at last, anyway. Images taken on July 2, 2020.

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