Friday, June 19, 2020

Computer test

Your computer, that is.
This morning, June 19, 2020, I imaged the sun.

Prominence on western edge of sun this morning.

What you are seeing is a prominence on the western edge of the sun. (I think it is the northwest, but I get easily confused with my solar scope.) At any rate, this prominence is sufficiently well positioned to make me believe this is the area above sunspot AR2765, which is the sunspot imaged below (on the 13th, the day I actually imaged it. I published the photo later, after processing.). Well, I decided to see if I could merge the two images to see how well they lined up.

Composite of 6/19 and  6/13.
What do you think? The image from today is black and white, and might be difficult to see as the separate image that it is pasted on top of the color image from the 13th. Hence, the test of you computer to see if you see both the sunspot and the prominence. Personally, I think the prominence is from the sunspot. In other words, if we could have seen the sunspot from the side, like we can today, it would have looked much like the prominence image of today.

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