Sunday, January 31, 2021

Quick Entry

 On January 12, 2021I imaged 3 more Caldwell objects, C24, C51, and C67. I have to admit that some of the objects, which should be visible in my 8 inch scope from an urban setting, are at best difficult to image and see anything. C51 definitely qualifies as one of those. However, the one that was easiest to see/image was C67. It's an interesting galaxy. More specifically, the center is interesting. The first image is the full frame image; the second cropped to just the galaxy. See if you can see that the center of the galaxy seems to look like a “period” (dot) with 3 bright “comas” around it (plus, of course, the longer, dimmer arms).


C67 aka NGC1097 and NGC1097A (the small one to lower left)

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