Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Supernova #2

Last night was as clear a night as we have had in a while, so out to the observatory I went. My intent was to try imaging at a finer resolution (Bin x2, if you know what that means vs Bin x3). The target was M5, and I thought I would try longer integration times as well; 2 minutes vs 1 minute. I found a calculator on line that suggests exposure times (length) and by entering my “numbers” , it suggests times of 1 to 2 minutes would be the best for me. Just by experimentation, I had found that 1 minute seemed to work well, but, I thought, why not try 2. Actually, the seeing wasn't too bad, and it seems the 2 minutes worked OK. So, while I was imaging M5, I was also watching a youtube channel called Sixty Symbols, and they had just published a video about a new supernova in the galaxy M61. So... I checked the charts and, yes, it was up, and YES, it was within my ability to image it. SO....... over to M61 it was! Three 2 minutes subs later, and there it was. Actually, I imaged it in color, just to see how it would do, but the luminence channel compares best to the image I took of M61 in June of 2018. Presented here is both images; the image from 2018 on top and the one from last night below it, with the supernova shown. 

M61 from 6/2018 and 5/2020 below. (Doesn't "Super-nova" look like "Supe-Mover??)

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